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Unlock the Power of Clairsentience: Strengthen Your Spiritual Awareness and Feel Spirit Contacts.

Starts 1 Mar 2025
150 British pounds
Online Meeting

Available spots

Service Description

Deepening Your Spiritual Awareness and Feeling Spirit Communication Date: Weekend of March 1st & 2nd 2024 Time 4pm - 10pm Uk Are you struggling to feel the presence of spirit during your mediumship work, or questioning whether you're "good enough" to progress? Many aspiring mediums face the same challenges—feeling lost, confused, and demoralised when their connection to spirit seems faint or inconsistent. Self-limiting beliefs can create doubt and frustration, leaving you feeling disconnected from the spiritual community and as if you're not part of the "elite" group of mediums. This course goes beyond basic clairsentient exercises, offering a comprehensive exploration of how you can use this ability to deliver more detailed, accurate evidence and develop stronger emotional connections with spirit. Through a blend of theory and practical application, you'll gain greater clarity, confidence, and precision in your readings. You will learn how to: ​1.Heighten Your Sensory Awareness: Develop a deeper sensitivity to energy and emotional vibrations from the spirit world. ​2.Interpret Sensory Evidence: Translate physical sensations, emotions, and impressions into meaningful, evidential communication. ​3.Refine Your Clairsentient Ability: Practice targeted exercises that strengthen your ability to feel spirit clearly and confidently. ​4.Establish Trust in Your Sensing: Build confidence in interpreting the subtle cues you receive and understanding the significance behind them. ​5.Create a Balanced Connection: Learn how to manage your sensitivity so you can stay grounded while working with heightened sensory input. Clairsentience, the intuitive ability to sense and feel the presence of spirit, is one of the most profound and subtle forms of mediumship. In this specialised course, we will take an in-depth journey into understanding and harnessing clairsentience to enhance your mediumship abilities. Whether you are new to this faculty or looking to refine your existing skills, this course is designed to help you unlock the full potential of your empathic and sensory connection with spirit. By the end of the course, you will feel more empowered and equipped to use clairsentience as a powerful tool in your mediumship development. This deeper awareness will not only enrich your personal connection with spirit but also enhance the experience you provide for others.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Philip Dykes & Kerry McLeod ( Withdrawal, Cancellation and Refunds Policy If an enrolled participant wishes or must withdraw from a course, they can choose to apply to a different course. The participant must notify the Administrator, in writing, of their decision at least 28 days prior to the start date of the course. Cancellation of participation in courses will result in the following penalties: Refunds and Cancellations Policy If an enrolled participant wishes to cancel their registration they must notify by email to , however the following will apply. Over 28 Days Notice – Penalty of 100% of course price, No Refund. Less that 28 days Notice prior to the start date of the course: No Refund. Withdraw from a course after the course has started: No Refund Please note that for the weekly Demonstrating Practice classes, there is no refund at all at any time. Discretion to these terms lie with the Administrators

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