Sitting in The Power
Have you heard of Sitting In the Power and never truly understood how it differs from meditation?
Do you sit In the Power and have the struggles with the mind wandering, impatience that stops you sitting or wonder what the benefits are?
This course will cover aspects of all of these questions and many more. During this course you’ll gain an understanding of the theory of Sitting in the Power, understand how the Power is used, learn to go within and build the Power, surrender to the Power as well as plenty of opportunities for practice.
Phil and Kerry will teach you how to let go and yet engage in that Power which is natural to you. This will allow you to understand the mental, emotional, and physical world of yourself.
Phil and Kerry will also walk you through the process of how it feels when the Power of the Spirit World blend with you and share the different aspects of what you might experience in this place with your Spirit Team.
You will gain an understanding of the importance of letting the Power move you, the principles of sitting regularly and receive specific exercises for you to work with the Power at home.
Every searcher and seeker of Spiritual Development including Mediums should have this practice as a fundamental part of their development.
Through building the Power, you unfold your own spirituality and touch the Divine Source of Life. You heighten the state of your consciousness, moving you into a place where the Spirit World can influence your subconscious mind, where your sensitivities grow, your spiritual ability increases, and your mediumship improves.