Melbourne Mediumship Experience Day 2 – Video Diary.

Melbourne Mediumship Experience Day 2 – Video Diary

Embracing Trust!
As the sun graced a hot North Melbourne with its warm embrace, another day of enlightenment and discovery unfolded at the Victorian Spiritualist Union. Day two of the Melbourne Mediumship Experience saw us delving deeper into the realms of clairsentience and clairvoyance, exploring the intricacies of mediumship with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.
Our journey began with a focus on clairsentience, the intuitive ability to sense emotions and energies. Guided by experienced mediums, we learned to attune ourselves to the subtle vibrations of the spirit world, gaining deeper insights into the needs and desires of both the sitter and the spirit communicator. Through exercises and discussions, we honed our ability to interpret these subtle cues, facilitating more profound connections and messages from the other side.
Transitioning into the art of clairvoyance, we confronted the common pitfalls faced by mediums: using it symbolically and the temptation to rescue or fix the recipient. We were reminded that our role as mediums is not to add value or embellishment to the reading but to trust in the process and surrender to the wisdom of spirit. By letting go of the need to intervene, we create space for the reading to unfold naturally, allowing the messages to resonate with authenticity and clarity.
A special highlight of the day was the arrival of Robert Lyon, the Producer and Director of “Evidence of the Afterlife,” who joined us hot off the flight from the USA. Despite facing a long journey with delays, Robert’s presence infused the retreat with a sense of excitement and inspiration, reminding us of the importance of our work in uncovering the mysteries of the afterlife.
We once again extend our heartfelt gratitude to Lorraine Leeter, President of the Victorian Spiritualist Union, and her generous Committee for their continued warm welcome and hospitality. Their support and generosity have created a nurturing environment for growth and exploration, allowing us to deepen our understanding of mediumship and connect with spirit in profound ways.
As we look forward to tomorrow, we anticipate another day of exploration and learning. We will continue to delve into the art of clairvoyance and explore presentation skills for platform work and demonstrations of mediumship. With each passing day, we deepen our connection with spirit and expand our capacity to serve as clear channels for the messages of love, healing, and guidance from the other side. Together, we embark on this sacred journey of discovery, trusting in the process and surrendering to the wisdom of spirit.

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