Melbourne Mediumship Experience Day 3 – Video Diary.

Melbourne Mediumship Experience Day 3 – Video Diary

Closing Day of the Melbourne Mediumship Experience, What a BIG DAY though!!
As the sun sets on the final day of the Melbourne Mediumship Experience at the Victorian Spiritualist Union in North Melbourne, we gather one last time to reflect on the profound experiences and invaluable lessons learned over the past three days. Today marked the culmination of our journey as we focused on integrating the gifts of clairsentience, clairvoyance, and private readings, while also delving into the art of effective and professional platform presentation.
Splitting into two groups, we delved deep into the intricacies of both private readings and platform demonstrations. In the realm of private readings, we learned to blend the insights gained from clairsentience and clairvoyance, creating a sacred space where healing, guidance, and transformation could unfold organically.
Simultaneously, we explored the art of platform presentation, understanding the nuances that differentiate it from the Sunday Divine Service. We discovered how to engage an audience while remaining authentic and profound with the evidence, ensuring that the integrity of the spirit communicator remained paramount throughout the demonstration.
The presence of Robert Lyon, the Producer and Director of “Evidence of the Afterlife,” is appreciated as he documents our journey and captures interviews with participants and the committee. His dedication and insight served as a reminder of the significance of our work in uncovering the mysteries of the afterlife and sharing the messages of love and healing with the world.
The culmination of the retreat was the recording of the demonstration of mediumship, which lasted over two hours and showcased the depth and power of the connection with spirit.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Lorraine Letter, President of the Victorian Spiritualist Union, and her generous Committee for their warm welcome and hospitality throughout the workshop. Their support and guidance have created a nurturing environment for growth and exploration, allowing us to deepen our connection with spirit and expand our understanding of mediumship.
As we look forward to tomorrow’s Sunday Divine Service, we do so with a sense of excitement and anticipation. Within this sacred space, we will have the opportunity to share the messages of spirit with our community, offering comfort, healing, and guidance to those in need. Together, we stand on the threshold of a new chapter in our journey, ready to embrace the gifts of mediumship and continue our quest to uncover the truths of the afterlife.
Thank you, Victorian Spiritualist Union, for providing us with a home for our exploration and growth. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to take part in this transformative experience, and we look forward to the journey that lies ahead.

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